Thank you Fuelin

“I wanted to take a minute to say how grateful I am to this app and your team. This may be long. I need you to know that the nutrition plan and app have had a profound impact on my training and life. I’ve done four full marathons, been on a team for a 200-mile relay, and am training for my 5th marathon coming up in February, currently running 35-45 miles/week. My ultimate goal is to get to Boston, hopefully in the next couple of years. This training cycle started in November and I’ve made quite a few changes, with the first being my nutrition.

I’ve always struggled with this and knew I needed help. For example, I have historically lost my period during heavy training cycles and this has been a HUGE concern for me knowing how unhealthy this is – so keeping my period on schedule monthly was my #1 biggest focus and knew it had to do with nutrition. I’ve was a vegetarian for 6-7 years, and thought I ate healthy otherwise by preparing my own meals, etc. Not realizing that most of what I was eating was not whole and I ate very little protein (all this with the blessing of a physician) which was most likely causing issues. I also gained 5 pounds for my first marathon but still lost my period and felt horrible! I’ve also struggled to lose that 5-10 lbs that I put on in 2016.

Since starting FuelIn in November, I saw results from week one and felt better. I’m no longer a vegetarian because I can’t consume enough protein that way, I’ve never been a big meat eater but I’m finding things that I like and it’s working out really well. I’ve easily lost more than the 5 pounds I needed to get to race weight and I feel amazing, I haven’t been this weight since 2016. My training is going well, as I’ve started low HR training and in combination with the nutrition, I’ve never felt better and training is a honestly a breeze. I could never say that before because I was foggy, exhausted, and got injured semi-regularly in my previous training cycles. Knock on wood, no issues now. My period is like clockwork, which I would have easily lost it probably around 6 weeks ago, but zero issues. Again, this was the MOST important thing for me to ensure current and future health, and I know that I’m actually healthy with my nutrition and I’m not hungry.

That was long, but needed you all to know that I’m very grateful, love the webinars (watching on YouTube) and will hope to make it in to a live one soon. Take care!!

Darcie G

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Darcie G - Fuelin Athlete
August 3, 2024
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